Adab Solutions

ADAB Will Create The World’s First Islamic Crypto Exchange

What is the First Islamic Crypto Exchange?

FICE – the first exchange of cryptocurrency that is in accordance with Sharia norms. Many cryptocurrency, because of its characteristics, are haram. Today no one can guarantee that coins and projects listed on conventional cryptocurrency exchanges adhere to Islamic norms.
In FICE there are no projects related to the following:
a fish
Immoral service
Industry of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products
Financial pyramid
In FICE there will be no speculative transactions, marginal transactions or transactions that are not in accordance with Sharia norms.
Additional requirements for this list are the approval of the Sharia Advisory Board.
This restriction is not only applied for religious reasons, but also not included
appearance of low-quality assets on the exchange.

The uniqueness of the ADAB solution

The first exchange is carried out in accordance with Islamic norms
Today there is no crypto exchange, which will guarantee activities based on Sharia principles. Adab Solutions will be the first project that allows the use of crypto currency transactions in accordance with the principles of Islamic finance and based on Shariah norms
The Sharia Board, which operates on an ongoing basis, will carry out in-depth and systematic studies of the crypto currency market and its elements in accordance with Sharia law.
Designed for a wide audience
Muslims cover more than 120 countries in Europe, West, Central, South and Southeast Asia and North Africa. In 35 Muslims there is a majority of the population. In 28 countries, including Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Kuwait, Iran, Pakistan and others, Islam is the state religion.
Create a new market system
This project is applied to crypto-economic values ​​based on Sharia norms and Islamic financial principles. These values ​​will form the basis of cryptographic market self-regulation and will increase the level of trust in the crypto currency key instrument.
Project Design and Safety
This project is built on the highest security standards and technical software solutions that are unique to safe and reliable jurisdictions.


The first Islamic crypto platform.
Adab Solutions allows you to make crypto currency transactions in accordance with the principles of Islamic finance based on Sharia law, and we are the first company to solve this problem.
Development of new markets.
Adab Solutions – will attract millions of users who have not previously invested in cryptactive assets, and this will benefit all crypto-economics, which will increase with new participants who previously only saw their development from outside.
Lowest price for ICO. 
The maximum and final number of initial tokens issued. In addition, the number of tokens will decrease, and the price will increase.
High token growth potential.
Expected growth in the client base and transaction volume on FICE are the direct drivers of the price of ADAB tokens, the only cryptographic currency that can be used to pay commissions and services in the project.
Contribution to the development of the Islamic financial system.
Now, by buying ADAB tokens and participating in projects designed for large communities, you not only share with us the benefits of entering the rapidly growing Islamic crypto-economic market, but also contribute to the development of new applications. from the Islamic financial system.


Islamic Management Model
The ADAB solution will be managed in accordance with the requirements of the Islamic corporate governance system, which is developed based on AAOIFI and IFSB standards.
Sharia Advisory Board
Adherence to Islamic norms in FICE activities will be provided by an independent body consisting of authoritative experts in the fields of Islamic law and finance and experts in the crypto currency market.
ADAB Charity Charity Foundation
Every quarter, 5% of net income and 2.5% of the project’s annual net income will be the basis of Adab’s charity funds, and everyone can contribute to this fund.
Independent certification
Adab Solutions will conduct independent certification for all legal documents and procedures.
Annual audit
Adab Solutions will conduct an annual audit on compliance with the principles of Islamic finance by independent and reputable companies.

The features and actions in implementing the Custom solution for the cryptocureency project are halal.

  1. They will perfect and pass Islamic experts’ judgments about compliance with sharia law
  2. They will arrange the sharia supervisory board under the first crpto Islamic exchange
  3. They will comply with documents and procedures, prepared on a seroius analytic substrate that regulates the work of the company with crypto assets in accordance with sharia norms.
  4. They will make public perceptions or company image good.
  5. Their main activity is maslahah (profitably in remuneration for all), while illegitimate (forbidden) elements are absent or too long. These activities are commented on and also bring together the benefits of gregarious development and investment opportunities that are based on the distribution of profits and losses for various entrepreneurs and investors.
  6. Their level of interest will not exceed the law set by SAC.
    Paramountcy invests in this platform The
    main Paramountcy  invests in this platform because it will promote crowd funding from an Islamic perspective whose advantages are outlined below:
  7. Operations are based on the distribution of profits and losses as required by the principles of Islamic finance
  8. Promoting innovation
  9. Promote job creation
  10. Support the enlargement of companies and future IPO sanctions in the newly created sector
  11. Minimizing risk by dividing capital into several new companies
  12. Open a new asset class for small and medium-sized investors and specify;
  13. Provide access to capital for various entrepreneurs so as to reduce the funding gap.

The focus points of ADAB’s business arrangements for the participants and their uniqueness.

  1. This stage has taken place for a large group of viewers with 1.8 billion potential Muslim users from the ecumenical digital currency exhibition
  2. In terms of business profits, Adab’s regulation efforts are prepared in accordance with the most astonishing security standards and have one specific element.
  3. With a quality framework that refers to sharia standards, the standard for promoting Islamic funds will be accepted by ADAB Solutins as self-direction from digital mazuma who advertise and to build caliber ventures in mazuma cryptographic cryptographic key instructors.
  4. Full transparency where it is possible to buy and offer digital currency for trading cash.


ADAB’s arrangement is an endeavor for Muslims and Islamic chain startups and is also a commercial center open to every individual who needs to make a legitimate innovation business. They advertise as the main effort in creating a structure that will set new moral steps to collaborate in business, as well as the primary responsibility for activity makers. ADAB is a lifestyle in Islam, which accommodates the establishment of business countries that are very necessary.

ADAB Solutions future market plans




https: // adabsolutions. com /pdf/WhitePaper_of_ADAB_Solutions.pdf

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